Consumer Affairs Support
Activity overview
Latest activity by Consumer Affairs Support-
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Fire Control Safety
Emergency Conditions Under proper use and favorable weather conditions, there shouldn't be a need to request emergency assistance when burning a manufactured firelog. However, if the burning fire g...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Storage and Shelf Life
Storage Store manufactured firelogs in a cool, dry, dark location. Protect them from exposure to high humidity and moisture, direct sunlight, and extremely high temperatures as these conditions can...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Lighting and Disposal
WARNING DO NOTÂ use flammable liquids, fire accelerant, lighter fluid or gas log lighters to ignite Pine Mountain firelogs or Java-Log firelogs. Step 1: Adjust Wrapper Gently loosen the wrapper arou...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Firelog Usage and Size
Usage Pine Mountain traditional and specialty firelogs are intended for indoor use in traditional masonry fireplaces having a brick or heavy gauge metal liner. They are also suitable to burn outsid...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Appliance Maintenance
Flue (Chimney) Regularly scheduled cleaning of the flue (chimney) at the start of each burning season improves the performance of Pine Mountain/Java-Log firelogs as well as natural wood logs. Maint...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Appliances
Masonry Fireplace Traditional brick or masonry fireplace with masonry or heavy gauge metal liner or ULC-listed fireplaces with a minimum burn area of 0.258m*2 (sq. meters). When using a ULC - liste...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Firelogs/ StarterLoggs Ingested by Children
The raw materials used to manufacture Pine Mountain firelogs and StarterLoggs are non-toxic. As with any non-edible product, you should consult your physician. Our Consumer Affairs Department is ab...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Andirons
Andirons are not designed to support manufactured firelogs during use. A grate must be used to support the firelog for optimal burn.
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Importance of Having A Grate
Manufactured firelogs will soften during the burn cycle so it's essential to use a grate to support the firelog. A grate allows for adequate airflow and provides rigidity throughout the entire burn...
Consumer Affairs Support created an article, Glass Doors
Adequate airflow is essential for firelogs to burn. Keep glass doors open during the firelog burn [unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer of your fire burning appliance]. Place a metal mes...